French Provincial Cello, Mid - Late 19th C (FR017) ON HOLD

French Provincial Cello, Mid - Late 19th C (FR017)
If listed in a specialist auction catalog, this cello would be described as ‘a very interesting French cello’. Most French instruments of this period hail from the large factories and smaller workshops in and around the town of Mirecourt. We believe this one does not and is quite possibly from one of the smaller French provincial towns.
The only way to fully ascertain its exact origin and perhaps identify the maker would be to take it to one of the world’s leading experts in antique French stringed instruments, probably Rampal in Paris. A certificate from one of these experts is expensive, but would add a lot to the resale value of the instrument.
This particular cello has been extensively restored and therefore it is probably not be financially viable to follow this route. The restoration includes repairs to the front, ribs and back, a sound post patch and a neck reset. All repairs are stable; the instrument has been thoroughly checked by a top luthier and it conforms to modern playing standards. It is a good, hard working bench-made old French cello.
The sound is very attractive; sweet, mature and rounded. The cello would be ideal for use in ensemble and chamber music environments.
The cello has rosewood pegs and premium Versum Solo & Larsen strings have been fitted. The length of back is 745mm.
High resolution photos available on request.