日本のお客様へのご案内 (Information for Customers in Japan)
(English below)
コミュニケーション (Communication)
Talbot Antique Cellosのサイトはほとんど英語で書かれていますが、翻訳アプリを使って日本人のお客様とのコミュニケーションに成功しています。こちらは、その中でもお勧めのサイトです。
送料について (Shipping Cost)
1. 船便で。これは最も安価な方法で、チェロ1台で約800カナダドルです。日本の港にCIF(Cost, Insurance, Freight)で輸送し、お客様が港から楽器を受け取ります。こちらはCIFについて分かりやすく説明しているサイトです。
2. 航空便で。チェロはUPS(ユナイテッド・パーセル・サービス)でお客様のご自宅にお届けします。このサービスの費用は約1600カナダドルです。配達は1-3週間です。UPSが通関業者となり、日本での関税、通関手数料、税金などの費用をお客様に請求します。
梱包 (Packing)
保険 (Insurance)
お支払い方法 (Payment)
Bit days「オンライン決済「PayPal(ペイパル)」の使い方、送金する方法は?」
English Version
We ship cellos and bows to Japan and offer the following information to make ordering from Talbot Antique Cellos easier:
The Talbot Antique Cellos website is mostly written in English, but we have successfully communicated with Japanese customers using a translation application. We recommend this one as being one of the best:
We are happy to answer any of your questions.
Shipping Cost
There are two methods of shipping cellos to Japan:
1. By sea. This is the cheapest option and is approximately $900 Canadian for a cello. The cello is shipped CIF (Cost, Insurance, Freight) to a port in Japan and the customer collects the instrument from the port. Delivery is 4 – 8 weeks. The customer will need to appoint a Customs Clearance Agent and is responsible for the following costs in Japan: duties, clearance fees, taxes, delivery (from the port, if required). This site explains about CIF in an easy-to-understand way. (This site is a free link) https://hunade.com/incoterms-cif
2. By air. Cellos are delivered to the customer’s home by UPS (United Parcel Service). The cost for this service is approximately $1600 Canadian. Delivery is 1-3 weeks. UPS will act as the Customs Clearance Agent and charge the customer for the following costs in Japan: duties, clearance fees, taxes.
We recommend contacting a Customs Clearance Agent in Japan to become aware of any costs.
Instruments are very well packed - double boxed with a hard cello case (click here for photos)
The shipping cost includes full insurance. If there is damage (very unlikely), then this must be reported immediately to the delivering company and documentary photographs taken.
We use Paypal for customers in Japan. Once you commit to buy, we will send a Paypal Payment Request. This site is easy to understand how to use PayPal.
https://bitdays.jp/cashless/online-payment/paypal/30820/(It's a free link if you display the name of the site and the title of the article.)